Street Cleaning

What to do about litter and street cleaning

Litter is a particular problem in our area, whether caused by deliberate dropping of litter by people who have no respect for others, or by overflowing bins from which litter escapes, assisted by birds, animals and the wind.

Other street cleaning issues are mainly seasonal – twigs blown down in storms, and autumn leaves.

What you can do personally:

  • Make sure your own bins are not overfilled
  • It helps if you pick up litter outside your property, even though you weren’t responsible for dropping it.  Litter attracts more litter – people are more likely to drop litter if there is already litter on the street.
  • You can get support from the City Council to be a Clean Champion
  • If you see someone dropping litter, ask them politely to pick it up.

What the City Council can do:

The council do regular runs with specialised vehicles to clean the roads and pavements respectively. The resources for these runs are limited and our area is cleaned three times more often than some areas of the city. The cleaning can sometimes be hampered by parked cars or bins on streets, so is not always perfect.

However, if you discover broken glass, vomit, or faeces (dog or human) or if a bin bag has been split open or a bin tipped over, you can request that it be cleaned up. Call the Council’s main switchboard on 0115 915 5555 or report in online by clicking this link: and then clicking on ‘fly tipping or litter’ .

The Council will normally respond and take action within a reasonable time.  If you are not happy with the response, you can contact one of  your Nottingham City Councillors .

Please let us know at LDNRA if you become a Clean Champion, so you can liaise with other Clean Champions in our neighbourhood.

The link below outlines the Council’s new Keep Nottingham Clean campaign: