Rogue landlords

What to do about poorly-maintained or badly-supervised properties

With such a large number of HMOs in our area, issues may arise with regard to the maintenance of the property and occasionally the tenants. All landlords have a responsibility to their tenants and to the community.  Within their licence there are conditions regarding maintenance, waste management, management of the behaviour of their tenants and restrictions on how many tenants occupy the property.

If you are a tenant, know your rights.  The University of Nottingham Students’ Union offers support and advice.  Check out their website here:

If you are a permanent resident or a tenant and you experience any of the problems below, then please call the Council’s Community Protection number on 0115 915 2020 or follow the link at the bottom of the list:

  • Poor maintenance of the property and garden
  • Faulty alarms
  • Inadequate provision of bins (6 or more occupants can request 2 green bins)
  • Failure to clear building waste/refurb waste
  • Failure to ensure tenants behave in a responsible manner when living in a residential neighbourhood
  • Excessive number of cars using parking permits for one address
  • More tenants residing in the property than it is licensed for

To report a Rogue landlord or for information on rented accommodation including HMOs go to:

When you follow a link from the Report-a-rogue-landlord  web page, you will be prompted to log in/set up an account.  You can also ‘Continue without an account’.
Having an account saves your details and makes it quicker the next time you want to report something to the Council.

You will need the name of the landlord or the company that owns or manages the property.
For information on how many tenants a property is licensed for, please refer to the official  register of HMOs